Welcome to the House of Wayne


Well, we got the key to our new flat this week.

Have I mentioned this? I think I might have. Did I? I can’t remember.

Anyway– we did. We got the key. It was like magic. Well, not like magic. It was like somebody handing us a key.

Only I wasn’t there.

My wife picked it up on her lunch hour. She said it was nothing special. No ticker tape or anything. Just a law-type person handing her the key and saying something like, “Don’t lose it” or “It’s just a key, ya know”.

Either way. We got the key and it’s looking pretty damn shiny to me.

And now we’re going to be painting, tearing up carpet and generally making a mess for the next 2 1/2 weeks until we move from this shit-hole with the gaping roof (no, they haven’t fixed our ceiling yet) to an old 1960’s flat that may not be perfect, but dammit! it’s ours.

(Expect lots of interior disaster pics during the next couple of weeks. I’m just saying.)